Patch Manager Help


This module data's C# type is: KSP.Modules.Data_WheelSteering.

This module data's element type is: Data_WheelSteering.

This module data object has the following classes:

  • .CaliperTransformName

  • .SteeringCurve

  • .SteeringMaxAngleCurve

  • .SteeringResponse


type: string

This is the caliper transform name (Steering point)


type: dictionary[any]

This curve defines the rate of wheel turn related to the speed of the wheel.

The x values of the curve are the speed and the y values are the rate of wheel turn.


type: dictionary[any]

This curve defines the maximum steering angle of wheel as a multiplier that will be applied based on the speed of the wheel.

The x values of the curve is the speed and the y values are the multiplier. y values are clamped between 0 and 1.


type: real

This is how fast the wheel will turn/respond to player input.

Last modified: 26 April 2024