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Mixins are a simple way of preventing yourself from repeating the same pattern over and over in your patches. They are quite simple to declare, and to use.

Declaring a mixin

Mixins are declared using the @mixin top level state followed by the name of the mixin, and then an (, an optional list of mixin parameters, followed by a ) and then a { and then any amount of Selection Actions. then a }.

For a very simple mixin declaration with no parameters:

@mixin scale-mass-by-two() { mass *: 2; }

Mixin Parameters

As mentioned before, mixins can have parameters, they are a comma separated list of $parameter-name, with optional default values, which then make them of the form $parameter-name:[default-value-expression].

Here are a few examples of the above:

// Mixin with one parameter @mixin scale-mass-by($N) { mass *: $N; } // Mixin with one default parameter @mixin scale-max-temp-by($N:2) { maxTemp *: $N; } // Mixin with 2 parameters, one default @mixin scale-mass-by-and-max-temp-by($mass-scale,$temp-scale:$mass-scale) { mass: *$mass-scale; maxTemp *: $temp-scale; }

Slotted Mixins

Sometimes you may want your mixin to take more than just values as arguments, and this is where "Slotted Mixins" come in these can take a set of selection actions as a "parameter", and this set can be executed using the @mixin-slot keyword

// Unslotted mixin @mixin ps-pam-override() { PAMModuleVisualsOverride +: [ { PartComponentModuleName: PartComponentModule_PartSwitch, ModuleDisplayName: "VSwift/PartSwitch", ShowHeader: true, ShowFooter: false } ]; } // Slotted mixin @mixin part-switch() { +Module_PartSwitch { +Data_PartSwitch { @mixin-slot // Whatever selection actions are passed will be executed when this action is executed } } @include ps-pam-override() }

Using Mixins

Now that you have declared mixins, you need to be able to include them into your selection blocks, using the following construct: @include mixin-name([parameters]), the parameters are a comma separated list of values corresponding to the parameters defined in the mixin declaration, but they can also be named in the form of $parameter-name:[passed-value].

What including a mixin does, is essentially copy and paste all the selection actions declared within the mixin into your selection block in a sub environment (as in similar to a * {...} selection block), and replace the parameters in the mixin with the values you passed.

Here are a few examples of including the mixins defined above:

:parts #wheel_0v_rover { @include scale-mass-by-two() // Scale the mass by 2 using the parameterless mixin @include scale-max-temp-by() // Scale the max temp by 2, as the default value of $N is 2 } :parts #wheel_1v_rover { @include scale-mass-by(2) // Scale the mass by 2 using the parameterized mixin @include scale-max-temp-by($N:2) // Scale the max temp by 2, and explicitly name the argument } :parts #wheel_2v_rover { @include scale-mass-by-and-max-temp-by(2) // Scale the mass by 2, and the max temp by 2 as the $temp-scale is equal to $mass-scale by default } :parts #wheel_2v_rover_rugged { @include scale-mass-by-and-max-temp-by(2,4) // Scale the mass by 2, and the max temp by 4 } :parts #wheel_3v_rover { @include scale-mass-by-and-max-temp-by($temp-scale:4,$mass-scale:2) // Scale the mass by 2, and the max temp by 4, passing the parameters in reverse }

Using Slotted Mixins

To use slotted mixins, the process is the same as a normal @include process, but after the (...) you start a selection block using { and then putting the set of actions you want to be put into the slot and closing it with a }.

@use "VSwift:*"; :parts #KLSS_water_tank_2v_1x2 { @include part-switch() { // Everything in the `{}` will be executed when the mixin hits a `@mixin-slot` keyword +Pipes { +No { Transforms: []; } +Yes { Transforms: [ Pipes, "Sub Hatch" ]; } } +Crossbars { +No { Transforms: []; } +Yes { Transforms: [ "Cross Armature" ]; } } } }
Last modified: 26 April 2024