Patch Manager Help

Part Reference

A part object's C# type is: KSP.Sim.Definitions.PartData.

A part object's element type is: parts_data.

Part objects have the following classes:

  • .PrefabAddress

  • .IconAddress

  • .partName

  • .author

  • .category

  • .family

  • .childStageOffset

  • .cost

  • .crewCapacity

  • .stageOffset

  • .isCompound

  • .sizeCategory

  • .stageType

  • .resourceCosts

  • .tags

  • .stagingIconAssetAddress

  • .PartSizeDiameter

  • .angularDrag

  • .breakingForce

  • .breakingTorque

  • .buoyancy

  • .buoyancyUseSine

  • .coLiftOffset

  • .coMassOffset

  • .coPressureOffset

  • .coBuoyancy

  • .coDisplacement

  • .crashTolerance

  • .explosionPotential

  • .fuelCrossFeed

  • .heatConductivity

  • .mass

  • .maxTemp

  • .attachRules

  • .attachNodes

  • .resourceContainers

  • .AllowKinematicPhysicsIfIntersectTerrain

  • .serializedPartModules

  • .resourceSummary

  • .PAMModuleSortOverride

  • .PAMModuleVisualsOverride

  • .collisionVolumeBoundsScale

  • .emissiveConstant

  • .maximumDrag

  • .minimumDrag

  • .physicsMode

  • .inverseStageCarryover

  • .skinMassPerArea

  • .bodyLiftOnlyUnattachedLift

  • .bodyLiftOnlyAttachName

  • .maxLength

  • .radiatorHeadroom

  • .radiatorMax

  • .skinMaxTemp

  • .skinInternalConductionMult

  • .thermalMassModifier

  • .buoyancyUseCubeNamed

  • .oabEditorCategory

  • .partType

  • .PreferredOrientation

  • .MirrorTechnique

  • .CanSuggestOrientation

  • .PickUpPointOffset

  • .PickupRotationPointOffset

  • ._title

  • ._subtitle

  • ._description

  • ._manufacturer

  • Plus one for every single module as in .Module_...

Addressables Asset Overrides (provided by patch manager)


type: string

The address for the prefab to this part.


type: string

The address to the icon to this part.

Meta data


type: string

A unique key for the part - appears in save files, not user facing.


type: string

The name of the person or people working on the part



type: string (enum: PartCategories)

The category of this part, categories are described on the Wiki.


type: string

The family of this part, families are described on the Wiki.


type: integer

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: integer

The cost of the part, unused.


type: integer

How many Kerbals this part can hold.


type: integer

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: boolean

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: string (enum: KSP.OAB.MetaAssemblySizeFilterType)

The size of this part category wise, these are described on the Wiki

If you are using LOABE, that adds more possible size categories.


type: string (enum: KSP.OAB.AssemblyPartStageType)

The stage type of this part, these are described on the Wiki


type: list[dictionary[any]]

A list of the costs of resources, unknown to me what this does.


type: string

A space separated list of tags for the part used in searching.


type: string

The address to the addressables asset used for staging


type: real

The diameter of the part



type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

The force required to break this part.


type: real

The torque required to break this part.


type: real

How dense the part is.


type: boolean

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: dictionary[real] (Vector3)

A 3d vector for the center of lift offset.


type: dictionary[real] (Vector3)

A 3d vector for the center of mass offset.


type: dictionary[real] (Vector3)

A 3d vector for the center of pressure offset.


type: dictionary[real] (Vector3)

A 3d vector for the center of buoyancy.


type: dictionary[real] (Vector3)

A 3d vector for the center of displacement.


type: real

The speed it takes to break this part in a crash.


type: real

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type: boolean

Enabled if fuel can feed through this part, otherwise disabled


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

The mass of the part in tons.


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: dictionary[any]

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: list[dictionary[any]]

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: list[ResourceContainer] (Resource Containers)

This contains a list of all the resources contained in this part, Patch Manager provides specializations for editing/grabbing these like the following

:parts { /* Adding Resources */ * > resourceContainers { +Methalox { /* ... */ } } /* Editing Resources */ * > resourceContainers { * > .Methalox { /* ... */ } } }

The resourceContainers object also has classes for every single resource contained within them (.Resource)


type: boolean

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: list[Module] (Part Modules)

This contains a list of all the part modules on this part, to add or edit parts please use the selector syntax like the following, and not edit this field directly

:parts { /* Adding Modules */ +Module_Something { /* ... */ } /* Editing Modules */ * > Module_Something { /* ... */ } }


type: dictionary[any]

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.

Parts Manager Overrides


type: list[dictionary[any]]

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: list[dictionary[any]]

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.



type: dictionary[any]

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.

Captured but unsorted


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: string (enum: KSP.Sim.PartPhysicsModes)

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: boolean

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: boolean

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: string

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: integer

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: real

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: string

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.

OAB Settings


type: string (enum: KSP.OAB.OABEditorPartCategory)

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type: string (enum: KSP.OAB.AssemblyPartTypeFilter)

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type: string (enum: KSP.OAB.OABOrientation)

Allows a part to specify what orientation it considers its primary. The mode specified will see the part oriented similarly to how it is in the prefab by default. The part will try to maintain this orientation regardless of VAB mode.


type: string (enum: KSP.OAB.MirrorTechnique)

Allows specifying what type of mirror logic is used for this part. May impact how other parts interact with it. The Auto setting is configurable on OAB.prefab


type: boolean

Based on all of the other settings, from orientation preference to mirror technique and category, suggest a rotation for this part only if no use rotation is provided. By default, no suggestions are made.


type: dictionary[real] (Vector3)

Offset at which the player cursor "grabs" the part when in OAB


type: dictionary[real] (Vector3)

Offset at which the part is rotated in the OAB when the player is grabbing a part


type: string

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: string

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: string

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.


type: string

There is no tooltip attached to this field, please investigate and fill in this field if you can.

Last modified: 26 April 2024